Our domestic abuse response team provides legal advice to victims of domestic abuse to help them find the right method of protection for themselves and their children whilst providing the guidance to move forward following the breakdown of a relationship.

The term ‘domestic abuse’ includes emotional, psychological, physical, financial and sexual abuse of an intimate partner, child, former partner, family member or associated person.

We believe that domestic abuse ‒ in whatever form ‒ should never be tolerated. We have many years of experience helping victims to change their circumstances, providing them and their families with a safer future.

Legal Aid is available to victims of domestic abuse. This enables us to advise you on action that can be taken ‒ including emergency applications ‒ to ensure you get the appropriate level of advice and protection, based on your individual circumstances.

Our experienced team of family lawyers will help and advise you in complete confidence, with compassion and respect, supporting you through all the relevant procedures quickly and efficiently.

The Family Law Company’s entire client team has received Domestic Abuse, stalking and Honour Based Violence (Dash 2009) risk identification, assessment and management training to ensure that we can provide guidance to you or your family member in complete confidence.

Whether it is someone you may know, or someone who is suffering Domestic Abuse should never be ignored or tolerated. If you would like to find out more, click here to watch our video.

I would just like to take this opportunity to once again pass on my immense gratitude and thanks to you and everyone who have worked so hard for both myself and my girls. You especially have been a star and I cannot thank you enough for all the work that you put in.

Our domestic abuse response team

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