Living With Grandparents

21st December 2011

In the 21st century, families come in different shapes. You may live with your mother and father, or as part […]

Categories: Just Kids

Living With A Step Parent

21st December 2011

If your mum or dad gets married again, you will gain a step-mother or father as part of your family. […]

Categories: Just Kids

Step Parents

21st December 2011

Your mum or dad might form a serious relationship or marry someone who already has his or her own children. […]

Categories: Just Kids

New Families

21st December 2011

One or both of your parents may live with or marry a person who already has children and you may […]

Categories: Just Kids

Parents Dating

21st December 2011

After they have been apart for some time, your mum or dad may start to see someone new. They may […]

Categories: Just Kids

Changing Schools

21st December 2011

One of the changes that can take place when your parents break up is starting a new school. Leaving your […]

Categories: Just Kids
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