Posted by familylaw on 21st December 2011

One or both of your parents may live with or marry a person who already has children and you may become part of a stepfamily. Life in a stepfamily can be difficult to begin with as you have to deal with a new stepfather or stepmother in your life and with new stepbrothers or sisters.

Try to be polite even if you do not like them at first. They may become your friends.

Sharing a home with people you don’t know can be hard. You may resent sharing your mum and dad with new people and find it hard to share your space. There can be new family rules to get used to and a whole new way of living.

Sometimes stepbrothers and sisters never really get on well, while others have a lot of really good times together. It helps if everyone can keep talking and be open about how they’re feeling and if you do your best to accept your new family situation.

Don’t be afraid to speak up though if you’re finding it really difficult. Talk it through with your mum or dad and see if you can make little changes to make family life easier.

Learning to live with new people can take time. Having a bigger family means there will always be someone around, but try to find a quiet place to call your own. Your stepsiblings may be good to talk to as they will have been through the separation process themselves and they may be feeling the same emotions as you

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