This case commenced in 2007 following the abduction of a child to Europe. The Family Law Company was acting on behalf of the father. At the time, it was not clear whether the child had actually been abducted, but it transpired that this was the case. Through diligent and careful enquiry, working in conjunction with the Authorities in London and the Local Constabulary, the child was found, and was returned to the jurisdiction through Wardship Proceedings.

Lengthy and detailed proceedings continued with regard to the father obtaining contact and parental responsibility, which involved a Finding of Fact Hearing. Following a serious illness, the father was represented for 12 months of the hearing by the Official Solicitor.

In conjunction with experts and therapists, the Court ordered that the child should commence contact with some support from the Guardian. Contact is now progressing positively. Without this intervention, our client believes that he would never have seen his daughter again.

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