Director Carrie Laws shares some of the reasons why The Family Law Company is the right law firm for her.
I joined The Family Law Company in December 2010, having worked for two years in the family department of another well-known firm, and before that I worked in criminal law for three years.
The thing that really appeals to me about the Family Law Company is how the management team are very keen to see and support individual progression. Joining as a paralegal I qualified as a Chartered Legal Executive in 2011. Since that time, I have been promoted to Associate, cross qualified as a solicitor, achieved membership of the Law Society’s Children Law panel, and been further promoted to Senior Associate Solicitor and am now a director. None of that would have been possible were it not for the supportive and encouraging environment fostered by The Family Law Company.
Outside of work I have helped raise significant sums of money for charities that I work closely with (including running a marathon and skydiving), all of which has been supported by The Family Law Company. I really feel the shareholders and management team are genuinely proud and supportive of the achievements of their staff in and out of work.
It is an inclusive firm. There is no glass ceiling here – more than 50% of our Board of Directors is made up of women, and 50% of our shareholders are women. Flexible working is available for all those who need it. Junior members of staff are encouraged to progress and training opportunities are open to all, as is the strong mentoring scheme. There are many people from all manner of backgrounds – this isn’t a place that will only consider traditionally educated applicants.
A really strong sense of team spirit runs throughout the Family Law Company – this is inevitably harder to maintain when so many are working remotely, but every effort is made. The firm has worked really hard to safeguard and promote wellbeing during these challenging times, and to ensure that we’re all able to work safely from home.
The Family Law Company isn’t a traditional, stuffy law firm. It is vibrant, forward thinking, agile, supportive, encouraging, socially mobile, and filled with talented and dedicated lawyers. The Family Law Company is firmly invested in legal aid, which isn’t for everyone. It is also firmly invested in its employees, which must be for everyone. It is a firm that encourages people to be and do their best, and provides real opportunities for career progression.
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