It’s not easy just being in the busy world we live in, and when a marriage or relationship has broken down you can feel as low down as a caterpillar. Putting one foot in front of the other is hard enough when your mind is full of grief and despair, you move slowly, watching the rest of the world go by – torturing yourself with the idea that everyone else’s marriage is fabulous – and just hoping that you can get through the day without someone treading on you.
Then the inevitable happens and you find yourself needing a solicitor. But with your low self-esteem and feeling like you will either burst into tears every two seconds or scream the place down, you finally take a breath and decide to put your trust in the hands of a solicitor. You’re tired and you want someone to sweep you up, protect you and tell you it’s all going to be okay.
Just like when a caterpillar goes into its cocoon, it may be dark but it is also safe, warm and you are protected until you can get stronger and see the other side of the dark tunnel. The cocoon takes away the stresses you have been going through.
To my mind it’s a bit like putting yourself in the hands of The Family Law Company; they guide you, advise you, cocoon you. They are specialists in the field of family law so it’s really a no brainer. But probably more important is the fact that they understand exactly how you are feeling, so they are not going to ever let you down. They also know, because they have seen it happen so many times before, that when you come out of your cocoon you will evolve as a beautiful butterfly, full of colour, free, able to spread your wings and fly.
You may ask how I know this? Well, it’s because I am one of the team at The Family Law Company. In my job role I see these transformations every day. I see with my own eyes the actual journey that you take and how you can turn into a butterfly!
NB: As our receptionist, we see first-hand the new clients that come into the office looking visibly low, then sees them coming out of their initial meeting already standing taller and looking more positive.
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