Posted by Hannah Porter on 17th May 2018
Is online divorce a simpler approach?

The Government has recently announced that they will soon be launching a website allowing individuals to divorce for just £550 online after a pilot scheme concluded 9 out of 10 people would be happy with this approach.

The announcement went on to say that the online service had led to a 95% drop in the number of rejected applications as it was a simpler and less technical way to obtain a divorce.

However, the fee to send a divorce petition to the Court is £550 whether it is done electronically or on paper and the Court needs to know the same information to pronounce a divorce, however the application is sent.

It is difficult to see how an online divorce will simplify the process for an individual applying for a divorce.

Last year, the Government changed the format of the divorce application to make it more accessible to those without legal training – but that development has not appeared to change mistakes made on divorce forms.

This new announcement comes shortly after news from the Family Law President that divorce applications are still being filled out incorrectly and there are individuals who do not have a valid divorce due to misunderstanding sections of the application.

The most common error is individuals trying to apply for a divorce before they are legally entitled to.

The simplest and least stressful way to obtain a divorce is to obtain the correct legal advice and ask your solicitor to deal with the paperwork for you.

At The Family Law Company we offer a free half hour and can advise you on the best approach to take with your divorce.

Need some advice? Get in touch today

Hannah Porter is a Solicitor at The Family Law Company. She supports clients through all aspects of family law but specialises in Divorce and Finance.

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